Domain Group

Domain Group (or simply Domain) is an Australian digital property portal and associated real-estate industry business. The company was founded by Fairfax Media, when the publisher branded their real-estate sections in print with the Domain brand and first established an online presence in 1999. The company was a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairfax until November 2017, when Domain was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange as a public company, although Fairfax Media (now Nine) retained a 60% ownership of shares.

Domain Group

Domain Group (or simply Domain) is an Australian digital property portal and associated real-estate industry business. The company was founded by Fairfax Media, when the publisher branded their real-estate sections in print with the Domain brand and first established an online presence in 1999. The company was a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairfax until November 2017, when Domain was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange as a public company, although Fairfax Media (now Nine) retained a 60% ownership of shares.