Domenico Michiel

Domenico Michiel was the 35th Doge of Venice. He reigned from 1117 to 1130. In August 1122 Domenico Michiel led a Venetian fleet of 100 vessels and around 15,000 men for the defense of the Holy Land. The fleet sailed under the flag of St. Peter, which the Pope had sent to Michiel. Over the winter the fleet set siege to the Byzantine island of Corfu. The siege was cancelled in the spring when news arrived that King Baldwin II of Jerusalem had been captured by the Artuqids, and that the Kingdom of Jerusalem had subsequently been invaded by the Fatimids of Egypt. The Venetian fleet went to the defense of Jerusalem and defeated the Egyptian fleet off of the Syrian coast. The Venetians then landed at Acre; from there Michiel went to Jerusalem, where the Pactum Warmundi was signed granting Venic

Domenico Michiel

Domenico Michiel was the 35th Doge of Venice. He reigned from 1117 to 1130. In August 1122 Domenico Michiel led a Venetian fleet of 100 vessels and around 15,000 men for the defense of the Holy Land. The fleet sailed under the flag of St. Peter, which the Pope had sent to Michiel. Over the winter the fleet set siege to the Byzantine island of Corfu. The siege was cancelled in the spring when news arrived that King Baldwin II of Jerusalem had been captured by the Artuqids, and that the Kingdom of Jerusalem had subsequently been invaded by the Fatimids of Egypt. The Venetian fleet went to the defense of Jerusalem and defeated the Egyptian fleet off of the Syrian coast. The Venetians then landed at Acre; from there Michiel went to Jerusalem, where the Pactum Warmundi was signed granting Venic