Domestic violence in Turkey

Domestic violence in Turkey is a problem.In 2013 a Hurriyet Daily News poll found 34% of Turkish men think violence against women is occasionally necessary, 28% say violence can be used against women. In the wake of the Murder of Ozgecan Aslan. On March 8, 2012 the Turkish government created a domestic violence law to protect women. Patriarchal attitudes towards women is considered a reason why Turkey has a high prevalence of domestic violence. Honor killings is a method of dmoestic violence used in Turkey.

Domestic violence in Turkey

Domestic violence in Turkey is a problem.In 2013 a Hurriyet Daily News poll found 34% of Turkish men think violence against women is occasionally necessary, 28% say violence can be used against women. In the wake of the Murder of Ozgecan Aslan. On March 8, 2012 the Turkish government created a domestic violence law to protect women. Patriarchal attitudes towards women is considered a reason why Turkey has a high prevalence of domestic violence. Honor killings is a method of dmoestic violence used in Turkey.