
The Domkustos of a cathedral in German-speaking countries is responsible for its physical maintenance, furniture, decoration and security, including the safekeeping of the cathedral treasure, as well as arranging for cleaning, preparation for the services and ringing the bells. His or her subordinate is the Subkustos. The word "kustos" is derived from the Latin word custodia which has the sense of custody, guard, protection, preservation, oversight, care, welfare.


The Domkustos of a cathedral in German-speaking countries is responsible for its physical maintenance, furniture, decoration and security, including the safekeeping of the cathedral treasure, as well as arranging for cleaning, preparation for the services and ringing the bells. His or her subordinate is the Subkustos. The word "kustos" is derived from the Latin word custodia which has the sense of custody, guard, protection, preservation, oversight, care, welfare.