Donna Summer discography

The discography of American disco singer Donna Summer includes 17 studio albums and 89 singles, plus many other releases. Her first single, "Wassermann", a German version of the song "Aquarius" from the musical Hair, was released in Europe in 1968 under her maiden name, Donna Gaines. She would become known as Donna Summer from 1974 onwards. Her first full-length album under that name was Lady of the Night.

Donna Summer discography

The discography of American disco singer Donna Summer includes 17 studio albums and 89 singles, plus many other releases. Her first single, "Wassermann", a German version of the song "Aquarius" from the musical Hair, was released in Europe in 1968 under her maiden name, Donna Gaines. She would become known as Donna Summer from 1974 onwards. Her first full-length album under that name was Lady of the Night.