Doppelgänger brand image

A doppelgänger brand image (DBI) is a collection of disparaging images and stories about a brand which are circulated in popular culture by a fairly loosely organized network of anti-brand activists, bloggers and opinion leaders. Such images are most likely to be spread via social media, blogs, and websites of anti-brand activists such as Adbusters. They are often intended to highlight ethical issues regarding the product advertised and are commonly associated with the brand's lack of authenticity. The purpose of creating doppelgänger brand images is to expose the true nature/effects of the company at stake, since it is believed to promote untruthful claims about its products.

Doppelgänger brand image

A doppelgänger brand image (DBI) is a collection of disparaging images and stories about a brand which are circulated in popular culture by a fairly loosely organized network of anti-brand activists, bloggers and opinion leaders. Such images are most likely to be spread via social media, blogs, and websites of anti-brand activists such as Adbusters. They are often intended to highlight ethical issues regarding the product advertised and are commonly associated with the brand's lack of authenticity. The purpose of creating doppelgänger brand images is to expose the true nature/effects of the company at stake, since it is believed to promote untruthful claims about its products.