Dove Kull

Dove Kull (1897-1991) was a social worker from Oklahoma. After a 37-year career in Oklahoma, serving as second-in-command of the Works Progress Administration and later designing the Oklahoma Department of Public Welfare's adoption policies, Kull moved to Alaska and became the first social worker to administer service to Native Alaskans in the Aleutian Islands. She also secured the funds for the first child care center in Alaska and directed the first home-health service for the elderly in the State. She was posthumously inducted into the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame in 2015.

Dove Kull

Dove Kull (1897-1991) was a social worker from Oklahoma. After a 37-year career in Oklahoma, serving as second-in-command of the Works Progress Administration and later designing the Oklahoma Department of Public Welfare's adoption policies, Kull moved to Alaska and became the first social worker to administer service to Native Alaskans in the Aleutian Islands. She also secured the funds for the first child care center in Alaska and directed the first home-health service for the elderly in the State. She was posthumously inducted into the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame in 2015.