
Draculoides is a genus of troglobite arachnid endemic to North West Australia. Often mistaken for a spider, D. bramstokeri is a schizomid — a small, soil-dwelling invertebrate that walks on six legs and uses two modified front legs as feelers. It uses large fang-like pedipalps, or pincers, to grasp invertebrate prey and crunch it into pieces before sucking out the juices. The genus was first described in 1992 by M.S. Harvey of the Western Australian Museum, based on his earlier description of Schizomus vinei . The following is a list of species:


Draculoides is a genus of troglobite arachnid endemic to North West Australia. Often mistaken for a spider, D. bramstokeri is a schizomid — a small, soil-dwelling invertebrate that walks on six legs and uses two modified front legs as feelers. It uses large fang-like pedipalps, or pincers, to grasp invertebrate prey and crunch it into pieces before sucking out the juices. The genus was first described in 1992 by M.S. Harvey of the Western Australian Museum, based on his earlier description of Schizomus vinei . The following is a list of species: