
Du-reformen (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈdʉ̂ːrɛˌfɔrmɛn], "the thou-reform") was the process of popularization of the second-person singular pronoun du as a universal form of address in Sweden that took place in the late 1960s. The use of du (cognate with English thou, French tu, and German du) replaced an intricate former system where people chiefly addressed each other in third person, with or without a preceding Mr./Mrs./Ms. (herr, fru or fröken) before the title, often omitting both surname and given name. Less respectfully, people could be addressed with Mr./Mrs./Ms. plus surname, or in a family setting, alternatively even less respectfully, with the plain name or third person pronoun han ('he') or hon ('she').


Du-reformen (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈdʉ̂ːrɛˌfɔrmɛn], "the thou-reform") was the process of popularization of the second-person singular pronoun du as a universal form of address in Sweden that took place in the late 1960s. The use of du (cognate with English thou, French tu, and German du) replaced an intricate former system where people chiefly addressed each other in third person, with or without a preceding Mr./Mrs./Ms. (herr, fru or fröken) before the title, often omitting both surname and given name. Less respectfully, people could be addressed with Mr./Mrs./Ms. plus surname, or in a family setting, alternatively even less respectfully, with the plain name or third person pronoun han ('he') or hon ('she').