Duffel Blog

Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization featuring satirical articles reporting on national security and US military topics. It is often described as "the military version of The Onion." It was founded in March 2012 by Marine veteran Paul Szoldra, originally as a way to drive web traffic to the now defunct website CollegeVeteran.com. It eventually branched out and became its own entertainment website. The site has a following among civilians, veterans, and servicemen alike. As of 2012, the blog had over 300,000 fans on Facebook and about 40,000 Twitter followers.

Duffel Blog

Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization featuring satirical articles reporting on national security and US military topics. It is often described as "the military version of The Onion." It was founded in March 2012 by Marine veteran Paul Szoldra, originally as a way to drive web traffic to the now defunct website CollegeVeteran.com. It eventually branched out and became its own entertainment website. The site has a following among civilians, veterans, and servicemen alike. As of 2012, the blog had over 300,000 fans on Facebook and about 40,000 Twitter followers.