Duke language

Duke (Nduke, pronounced N-doo-kay) is an Oceanic language now spoken by about 3,000 people on Kolombangara island, Solomon Islands. Duke is an exonymic name (not used by speakers themselves). Endonymic names (used by the speakers themselves) are Dughore (Ndughore) and Kolei. Dughore is also a name for an area in southwest Kolombangara, 'Kolei' is the general bilateral address term specific to Nduke. A more recent alternative name is Kolombangara (after the name of the island).

Duke language

Duke (Nduke, pronounced N-doo-kay) is an Oceanic language now spoken by about 3,000 people on Kolombangara island, Solomon Islands. Duke is an exonymic name (not used by speakers themselves). Endonymic names (used by the speakers themselves) are Dughore (Ndughore) and Kolei. Dughore is also a name for an area in southwest Kolombangara, 'Kolei' is the general bilateral address term specific to Nduke. A more recent alternative name is Kolombangara (after the name of the island).