Dumitra Hydro Power Plant

Dumitra Hydro Power Plant is a run-of-the-river hydropower plant under construction on the Jiu River in Romania, with an installed capacity of 24.5 MW. It is part of a broader project of hydropower development in the Bumbești–Livezeni stretch of the Jiu River, that includes three hydropower plants with an overall capacity 80 MW. With a total cost of $280 million, it is the largest investment in hydropower since 1990 in Romania. As of 2019, the project was 98% complete, but blocked by a justice decision that cancelled the construction permit in late 2017.

Dumitra Hydro Power Plant

Dumitra Hydro Power Plant is a run-of-the-river hydropower plant under construction on the Jiu River in Romania, with an installed capacity of 24.5 MW. It is part of a broader project of hydropower development in the Bumbești–Livezeni stretch of the Jiu River, that includes three hydropower plants with an overall capacity 80 MW. With a total cost of $280 million, it is the largest investment in hydropower since 1990 in Romania. As of 2019, the project was 98% complete, but blocked by a justice decision that cancelled the construction permit in late 2017.