Durjaya (Andhra chieftain)

Durjaya (Hindi for "difficult to conquer") was a legendary chieftain of the Andhra kingdom. Many ruling dynasties in Andhra, such as the Kakatiyas and the Velanati Chola, are claimed to be their descendants. Venna, the earliest chieftain of the Kakatiya Dynasty, was from Durjaya's family. Durjaya, now North Guwahati, was the capital of Kamarupa kingdom under the Pala dynasty from 900 to 1100 C.E. Pala rulers built their capital on the banks of the Brahmaputra River and surrounded it with a rampart and a strong palisade, and named it Durjaya ("Impregnable").

Durjaya (Andhra chieftain)

Durjaya (Hindi for "difficult to conquer") was a legendary chieftain of the Andhra kingdom. Many ruling dynasties in Andhra, such as the Kakatiyas and the Velanati Chola, are claimed to be their descendants. Venna, the earliest chieftain of the Kakatiya Dynasty, was from Durjaya's family. Durjaya, now North Guwahati, was the capital of Kamarupa kingdom under the Pala dynasty from 900 to 1100 C.E. Pala rulers built their capital on the banks of the Brahmaputra River and surrounded it with a rampart and a strong palisade, and named it Durjaya ("Impregnable").