Dutch Creek Hoodoos

The Dutch Creek Hoodoos are located in British Columbia, Canada, and can be seen along British Columbia Highway 93/British Columbia Highway 95 between Canal Flats and Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia.The Dutch Creek Hoodoos are within a 67-acre conservation area that is managed by the Natural Conservancy of British Columbia. This conservation areais joined by the Nature Trust Hoffert Property and they both act as a habitat for varying plants and animals including the American badger, Lewis's woodpecker, the Hooker's Townsendia, Eagle, and Hawk. The Dutch Creek Hoodoos can be further discovered by following the 4.6 mile trail that faces an elevation gain of 95 meters over the course of the trail.

Dutch Creek Hoodoos

The Dutch Creek Hoodoos are located in British Columbia, Canada, and can be seen along British Columbia Highway 93/British Columbia Highway 95 between Canal Flats and Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia.The Dutch Creek Hoodoos are within a 67-acre conservation area that is managed by the Natural Conservancy of British Columbia. This conservation areais joined by the Nature Trust Hoffert Property and they both act as a habitat for varying plants and animals including the American badger, Lewis's woodpecker, the Hooker's Townsendia, Eagle, and Hawk. The Dutch Creek Hoodoos can be further discovered by following the 4.6 mile trail that faces an elevation gain of 95 meters over the course of the trail.