In computer science E-LOTOS (Enhanced LOTOS) is a formal specification language designed between 1993 and 1999, and standardized by ISO in 2001. E-LOTOS was initially intended to be a revision of the LOTOS language standardized by ISO 8807 in 1989, but the revision turned out to be profound, leading to a new specification language. The starting point for the revision of LOTOS was the PhD thesis of Ed Brinksma, who had been the Rapporteur at ISO of the LOTOS standard. In 1993, the initial goals of the definition of E-LOTOS were stated in ISO/IEC JTC1/N2802 announcement.


In computer science E-LOTOS (Enhanced LOTOS) is a formal specification language designed between 1993 and 1999, and standardized by ISO in 2001. E-LOTOS was initially intended to be a revision of the LOTOS language standardized by ISO 8807 in 1989, but the revision turned out to be profound, leading to a new specification language. The starting point for the revision of LOTOS was the PhD thesis of Ed Brinksma, who had been the Rapporteur at ISO of the LOTOS standard. In 1993, the initial goals of the definition of E-LOTOS were stated in ISO/IEC JTC1/N2802 announcement.