ERISA reimbursement

In the United States, ERISA reimbursement refers to the efforts of an ERISA Plan administrator (an insurer) to obtain repayment from an insured person who had previously received payments for personal injury medical bills. When an insurer pays a injury claim to someone, the insurer can seize cash settlements from whoever caused the injury. This “right of reimbursement” is essentially a subrogation claim. Although there are subtle legal distinctions between “subrogation” and “reimbursement,” these devices are essentially the same.

ERISA reimbursement

In the United States, ERISA reimbursement refers to the efforts of an ERISA Plan administrator (an insurer) to obtain repayment from an insured person who had previously received payments for personal injury medical bills. When an insurer pays a injury claim to someone, the insurer can seize cash settlements from whoever caused the injury. This “right of reimbursement” is essentially a subrogation claim. Although there are subtle legal distinctions between “subrogation” and “reimbursement,” these devices are essentially the same.