ESPN Integration

ESPN Integration is an agreement between ESPN and video game developer Electronic Arts to put various ESPN features in EA Sports games. The first game to feature ESPN Integration was the college baseball game MVP 06 NCAA Baseball. The features that have so far appeared include a streaming ticker at the bottom of the screen with real up to date sports scores, just as it appears on the ESPN channel. This ticker does not just crawl during menus and load screens but also in actual gameplay. Another feature is the ability to listen to sports updates from ESPN Radio, and a third feature is being able to read the top 40 sports stories from

ESPN Integration

ESPN Integration is an agreement between ESPN and video game developer Electronic Arts to put various ESPN features in EA Sports games. The first game to feature ESPN Integration was the college baseball game MVP 06 NCAA Baseball. The features that have so far appeared include a streaming ticker at the bottom of the screen with real up to date sports scores, just as it appears on the ESPN channel. This ticker does not just crawl during menus and load screens but also in actual gameplay. Another feature is the ability to listen to sports updates from ESPN Radio, and a third feature is being able to read the top 40 sports stories from