Eagle Vision 1 (Commercial Satellite Imagery)

Eagle Vision One (EV1) is a military based Commercial Satellite Imagery (CSI) capability programmed and funded by HQ AF/A2QS (Air Force ISR Innovations). It is located at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, and is staffed by intelligence personnel assigned to the 24th Intelligence Squadron (24IS). The mission of EV1 is to maintain a deployable commercial satellite imagery system ready to support contingency operations, theater security cooperation events, and disaster relief efforts. The EV1 system consists of the two elements: a Data Acquisition Segment (DAS) which includes a direct downlink antenna and a computer server shelter that collects and processes imagery into a standard format, and a transit-cased Data Integration Segment (DIS) that processes the standard format products into useful pro

Eagle Vision 1 (Commercial Satellite Imagery)

Eagle Vision One (EV1) is a military based Commercial Satellite Imagery (CSI) capability programmed and funded by HQ AF/A2QS (Air Force ISR Innovations). It is located at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, and is staffed by intelligence personnel assigned to the 24th Intelligence Squadron (24IS). The mission of EV1 is to maintain a deployable commercial satellite imagery system ready to support contingency operations, theater security cooperation events, and disaster relief efforts. The EV1 system consists of the two elements: a Data Acquisition Segment (DAS) which includes a direct downlink antenna and a computer server shelter that collects and processes imagery into a standard format, and a transit-cased Data Integration Segment (DIS) that processes the standard format products into useful pro