Eberhard Finckh

Eberhard Finckh (7 November 1899 - 30 August 1944) was a German colonel on the general staff of the German Army, a longtime opponent of Nazism and a member of the German resistance to Adolf Hitler’s regime. On 20 July he was notified by telephone from Zossen that Hitler had been assassinated and with other officers he was called to a meeting in von Stülpnagel's office and was issued with prearranged orders for the arrest of senior Gestapo, SS and SD personnel in Paris.

Eberhard Finckh

Eberhard Finckh (7 November 1899 - 30 August 1944) was a German colonel on the general staff of the German Army, a longtime opponent of Nazism and a member of the German resistance to Adolf Hitler’s regime. On 20 July he was notified by telephone from Zossen that Hitler had been assassinated and with other officers he was called to a meeting in von Stülpnagel's office and was issued with prearranged orders for the arrest of senior Gestapo, SS and SD personnel in Paris.