Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog

The Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (or EPIC) is a publicly searchable database of stars and planets that is associated with the K2 "Second Light" plan of the Kepler space telescope mission. Examples of related stars include: EPIC 201563164, EPIC 204278916, EPIC 204376071 and EPIC 249706694. Examples of related planets include: EPIC 203771098 b, EPIC 203771098 c, EPIC 206011691 c and EPIC 211945201 b.

Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog

The Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (or EPIC) is a publicly searchable database of stars and planets that is associated with the K2 "Second Light" plan of the Kepler space telescope mission. Examples of related stars include: EPIC 201563164, EPIC 204278916, EPIC 204376071 and EPIC 249706694. Examples of related planets include: EPIC 203771098 b, EPIC 203771098 c, EPIC 206011691 c and EPIC 211945201 b.