Economy of Himachal Pradesh

The era of economic planning started in Himachal Pradesh in 1948. The first five-year plan allocated about Rs. 52.7 million to Himachal. More than 50% of this expenditure was spent on transport facilities since it was felt that without proper it, the process of planning and development couldn't be carried. Himachal is one of those states in India which was rapidly transformed from the most backward part of the country to one of the most advanced states. At present Himachal ranks fourth in respect of per capita income among the states of the Indian Union.

Economy of Himachal Pradesh

The era of economic planning started in Himachal Pradesh in 1948. The first five-year plan allocated about Rs. 52.7 million to Himachal. More than 50% of this expenditure was spent on transport facilities since it was felt that without proper it, the process of planning and development couldn't be carried. Himachal is one of those states in India which was rapidly transformed from the most backward part of the country to one of the most advanced states. At present Himachal ranks fourth in respect of per capita income among the states of the Indian Union.