Economy of the Socialist Republic of Romania

The economy of the Socialist Republic of Romania was centrally planned similar to the one of the Soviet Union. Most of the means of production (including all large and medium enterprises) were owned by the state, which established production plans as part of the Five-Year Plans. The economy grew between the 1950s and 1970s at one of the fastest rates in the world, changing Romania from a predominantly agricultural country into an industrialized country. Almost 30% of the population moved during this period from rural to urban areas to work in the newly built factories.

Economy of the Socialist Republic of Romania

The economy of the Socialist Republic of Romania was centrally planned similar to the one of the Soviet Union. Most of the means of production (including all large and medium enterprises) were owned by the state, which established production plans as part of the Five-Year Plans. The economy grew between the 1950s and 1970s at one of the fastest rates in the world, changing Romania from a predominantly agricultural country into an industrialized country. Almost 30% of the population moved during this period from rural to urban areas to work in the newly built factories.