Eden's conjecture

In the mathematics of dynamical systems, Eden's conjecture states that the supremum of the local Lyapunov dimensions on the global attractor is achieved on a stationary point or an unstable periodic orbit embedded into the attractor. The validity of the conjecture was proved for a number of well-known systems having global attractor (e.g. for the global attractors in the Lorenz system, complex Ginzburg–Landau equation). It is named after Alp Eden, who proposed it in 1987. Eden was a PhD student of Ciprian Foias.

Eden's conjecture

In the mathematics of dynamical systems, Eden's conjecture states that the supremum of the local Lyapunov dimensions on the global attractor is achieved on a stationary point or an unstable periodic orbit embedded into the attractor. The validity of the conjecture was proved for a number of well-known systems having global attractor (e.g. for the global attractors in the Lorenz system, complex Ginzburg–Landau equation). It is named after Alp Eden, who proposed it in 1987. Eden was a PhD student of Ciprian Foias.