Edge of Winter (film)

Edge of Winter is a 2016 Canadian psychological thriller drama film directed by and written by Rob Connolly and Kyle Mann. It stars Joel Kinnaman, Tom Holland, and Percy Hynes White. The film centres on a recently divorced father, Elliot Baker (Kinnaman), whose angry behaviour slowly controls him while he resides with his two sons (Holland and White) at his cabin in the wilderness. The film was produced by Kyle Mann and Jonathan Bronfman. The film was released to mixed reviews.

Edge of Winter (film)

Edge of Winter is a 2016 Canadian psychological thriller drama film directed by and written by Rob Connolly and Kyle Mann. It stars Joel Kinnaman, Tom Holland, and Percy Hynes White. The film centres on a recently divorced father, Elliot Baker (Kinnaman), whose angry behaviour slowly controls him while he resides with his two sons (Holland and White) at his cabin in the wilderness. The film was produced by Kyle Mann and Jonathan Bronfman. The film was released to mixed reviews.