Edmond Harty

Edmond Harty is the CEO and technical director of Dairymaster, a milking equipment manufacturer. Its global headquarters are in Causeway, County Kerry, Ireland. In 2012 Harty was presented with the title of International and overall Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year by President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins. Harty is a mechanical engineer by profession with a degree from University of Limerick. He joined Dairymaster in 1998, while studying for a PhD in University College Dublin where he focused on milking performance.

Edmond Harty

Edmond Harty is the CEO and technical director of Dairymaster, a milking equipment manufacturer. Its global headquarters are in Causeway, County Kerry, Ireland. In 2012 Harty was presented with the title of International and overall Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year by President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins. Harty is a mechanical engineer by profession with a degree from University of Limerick. He joined Dairymaster in 1998, while studying for a PhD in University College Dublin where he focused on milking performance.