Education in Uruguay

Education in Uruguay is compulsory for a total of eleven years (2 years of pre-primary, 6 years of primary education, and 3 years of middle education), beginning at the preschool level, and is free from the pre-primary through the university level. In 1996, the gross primary enrollment rate was 111.7 percent, and the net primary enrollment rate was 92.9 percent. Primary school attendance rates were unavailable for Uruguay as of 2001.

Education in Uruguay

Education in Uruguay is compulsory for a total of eleven years (2 years of pre-primary, 6 years of primary education, and 3 years of middle education), beginning at the preschool level, and is free from the pre-primary through the university level. In 1996, the gross primary enrollment rate was 111.7 percent, and the net primary enrollment rate was 92.9 percent. Primary school attendance rates were unavailable for Uruguay as of 2001.