Educational Institute of Scotland

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is the oldest teachers' trade union in the world, having been founded in 1847 when dominies became concerned about the effect of changes to the system of education in Scotland on their professional status. An early example of such a degree (awarded in December 1847) was worded as follows: "The Educational Institute of ScotlandDIPLOMA OF FELLOW. 1st That he is qualified to teach English, Grammar, Composition, History, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Natural Science, Agricultural Chemistry, Latin, Greek and French.

Educational Institute of Scotland

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is the oldest teachers' trade union in the world, having been founded in 1847 when dominies became concerned about the effect of changes to the system of education in Scotland on their professional status. An early example of such a degree (awarded in December 1847) was worded as follows: "The Educational Institute of ScotlandDIPLOMA OF FELLOW. 1st That he is qualified to teach English, Grammar, Composition, History, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Natural Science, Agricultural Chemistry, Latin, Greek and French.