Edward Jones (Methodist preacher)

Edward Jones (c. 1741 – after 1806), nicknamed "Ginshop" Jones, was a Welsh Calvinistic Methodist "exhorter" and lay preacher in London, who ended his life in disgrace. Jones is believed to have been born in about 1741 in Llansannan, Denbighshire. As a young man, he served as a trooper in the Life Guards. At about this time, he was converted to Methodism by George Whitefield, and became an "exhorter" at Whitefield's Moorfields Tabernacle, London, and a lay preacher. After leaving the army, he earned his living as a publican and spirit-merchant, resulting in his later nickname of "Ginshop".

Edward Jones (Methodist preacher)

Edward Jones (c. 1741 – after 1806), nicknamed "Ginshop" Jones, was a Welsh Calvinistic Methodist "exhorter" and lay preacher in London, who ended his life in disgrace. Jones is believed to have been born in about 1741 in Llansannan, Denbighshire. As a young man, he served as a trooper in the Life Guards. At about this time, he was converted to Methodism by George Whitefield, and became an "exhorter" at Whitefield's Moorfields Tabernacle, London, and a lay preacher. After leaving the army, he earned his living as a publican and spirit-merchant, resulting in his later nickname of "Ginshop".