El Comunista

El Comunista ("The Communist") was the official publication of the Spanish Communist Party. The Socialist Youth of Spain (Juventudes Socialistas de España; JSE), like the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español; PSOE) that it was associated with, had been a proponent of the Second International, an organisation of socialist and labour parties. Following the Russian Revolution in 1917, there was an influx of new and more left-leaning members to the JSE, which caused it to diverge from the PSOE. One of these members was Juan Andrade, who joined the JSE in 1916 and became editor of the official JSE newspaper, Renovación, in 1919; the Renovación then began printing articles supporting the Communist International.

El Comunista

El Comunista ("The Communist") was the official publication of the Spanish Communist Party. The Socialist Youth of Spain (Juventudes Socialistas de España; JSE), like the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español; PSOE) that it was associated with, had been a proponent of the Second International, an organisation of socialist and labour parties. Following the Russian Revolution in 1917, there was an influx of new and more left-leaning members to the JSE, which caused it to diverge from the PSOE. One of these members was Juan Andrade, who joined the JSE in 1916 and became editor of the official JSE newspaper, Renovación, in 1919; the Renovación then began printing articles supporting the Communist International.