Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity

The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) is an electronic archive of research papers in computational complexity theory, a branch of computer science. The intention of the ECCC is to provide a fast publication service intermediate in its level of peer review between preprint servers such as authors' web sites or arXiv (which release papers with little or no delay and filtering) and journals (which subject papers to a heavy editing process but, in computer science, may take months or years to publish a paper). Papers submitted to ECCC are screened by a board of experts, who review the submissions to ensure that they are on-topic, novel, interesting, and written according to the standards of the field. Any panelist may accept or reject any of the submissions; if no decisi

Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity

The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) is an electronic archive of research papers in computational complexity theory, a branch of computer science. The intention of the ECCC is to provide a fast publication service intermediate in its level of peer review between preprint servers such as authors' web sites or arXiv (which release papers with little or no delay and filtering) and journals (which subject papers to a heavy editing process but, in computer science, may take months or years to publish a paper). Papers submitted to ECCC are screened by a board of experts, who review the submissions to ensure that they are on-topic, novel, interesting, and written according to the standards of the field. Any panelist may accept or reject any of the submissions; if no decisi