Eliza Aria

Eliza Aria is an operatic vocalise from the ballet Wild Swans, composed by Elena Kats-Chernin. The piece was first recorded by soprano Jane Sheldon and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, and released on the ABC Classics label. This recording was subsequently used in a series of television and cinema advertisements for British bank Lloyds under the tagline "For the journey", launched in January 2007. The adverts were created by agency Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe Y&R, and feature animations by Studio AKA. Following the initial minute-long advert, further 30-second instalments were aired.

Eliza Aria

Eliza Aria is an operatic vocalise from the ballet Wild Swans, composed by Elena Kats-Chernin. The piece was first recorded by soprano Jane Sheldon and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, and released on the ABC Classics label. This recording was subsequently used in a series of television and cinema advertisements for British bank Lloyds under the tagline "For the journey", launched in January 2007. The adverts were created by agency Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe Y&R, and feature animations by Studio AKA. Following the initial minute-long advert, further 30-second instalments were aired.