Elkins Constructors

Elkins Construction LLC is a privately held construction corporation headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. It was created in 2015 by Wayne McCall and Barry Allred when Elkins Constructors, founded in 1955 by Martin Elkins, closed down. Wayne McCall, also president of Perry-McCall Construction stated that the two companies would compete and work together on larger projects. Elkins moved from their downtown offices near the Jacksonville Courthouse to the building where Perry-McCall was located on the Southside.

Elkins Constructors

Elkins Construction LLC is a privately held construction corporation headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. It was created in 2015 by Wayne McCall and Barry Allred when Elkins Constructors, founded in 1955 by Martin Elkins, closed down. Wayne McCall, also president of Perry-McCall Construction stated that the two companies would compete and work together on larger projects. Elkins moved from their downtown offices near the Jacksonville Courthouse to the building where Perry-McCall was located on the Southside.