Eloise: The Animated Series

Eloise: The Animated Series or Me, Eloise! is an American children's animated comedy television series, based on the Eloise series of children's books drawn and written by Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight. This series features Mary Matilyn Mouser as Eloise, Lynn Redgrave as the Nanny, and Tim Curry as Mr. Salamone. The television series was produced by Starz Media and HandMade Films, and aired on Starz Kids & Family from October to November 2006. 13 episodes were produced.

Eloise: The Animated Series

Eloise: The Animated Series or Me, Eloise! is an American children's animated comedy television series, based on the Eloise series of children's books drawn and written by Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight. This series features Mary Matilyn Mouser as Eloise, Lynn Redgrave as the Nanny, and Tim Curry as Mr. Salamone. The television series was produced by Starz Media and HandMade Films, and aired on Starz Kids & Family from October to November 2006. 13 episodes were produced.