Eman Sharobeem

Eman Sharobeem is an Egyptian-Australian woman who was known as a women's rights activist and nominated as an Australian of the Year finalist in 2015. She was active in the Western Sydney suburbs of Fairfield and Cabramatta focusing on services for women in minority communities, including advocacy to prevent honour killings and freeing girls from forced marriages. In 2018, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, a government appointed corruption commission, ruled that Sharobeem had stolen over $750,000 from the charities she managed and had falsified her qualifications. Prior to the ICAC investigation, Sharobeem was widely held as female activist and was appointed to various government advisory boards.

Eman Sharobeem

Eman Sharobeem is an Egyptian-Australian woman who was known as a women's rights activist and nominated as an Australian of the Year finalist in 2015. She was active in the Western Sydney suburbs of Fairfield and Cabramatta focusing on services for women in minority communities, including advocacy to prevent honour killings and freeing girls from forced marriages. In 2018, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, a government appointed corruption commission, ruled that Sharobeem had stolen over $750,000 from the charities she managed and had falsified her qualifications. Prior to the ICAC investigation, Sharobeem was widely held as female activist and was appointed to various government advisory boards.