
Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S.A. (commonly referred to as Embrafilme) was a Brazilian State-owned company created on September 12, 1969 for production, funding and distribution of Brazilian movies. The company was dissolved on March 16, 1990 by the National Privatization Program, launched by the government of President Fernando Collor. Currently, the regulatory and financing functions of the Brazilian audiovisual sector are maintained by , a regulatory agency created in 2001. The distribution area is now the responsibility of the private sector.


Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S.A. (commonly referred to as Embrafilme) was a Brazilian State-owned company created on September 12, 1969 for production, funding and distribution of Brazilian movies. The company was dissolved on March 16, 1990 by the National Privatization Program, launched by the government of President Fernando Collor. Currently, the regulatory and financing functions of the Brazilian audiovisual sector are maintained by , a regulatory agency created in 2001. The distribution area is now the responsibility of the private sector.