Emily (TV series)

Emily (Émilie in the original) is a cartoon that often aired on the Nickelodeon children's variety show, Pinwheel. The cartoon follows the adventures of Emily, a little girl who wears only red. Emily has a pet hedgehog named Humphrey (Arthur in the French version). Other characters include Emily's cousins Alexander and Nicholas, her English friend Gregory, her friend Chloe, her little sister Pat (Elise in France), her big brother Stephen and his friends William and Sydney. The author and illustrator of Émilie, , is French and specializes in children's books.

Emily (TV series)

Emily (Émilie in the original) is a cartoon that often aired on the Nickelodeon children's variety show, Pinwheel. The cartoon follows the adventures of Emily, a little girl who wears only red. Emily has a pet hedgehog named Humphrey (Arthur in the French version). Other characters include Emily's cousins Alexander and Nicholas, her English friend Gregory, her friend Chloe, her little sister Pat (Elise in France), her big brother Stephen and his friends William and Sydney. The author and illustrator of Émilie, , is French and specializes in children's books.