Emirate of Bradost

Emirate of Bradost or Emirate of Biradost (Kurdish: Mîrektiya Biradost‎, 1510–1609) was a hereditary Kurdish emirate, ruling roughly the area from Rawandiz to Targavar and Margavar south of Urmia at its height. The emirate was founded in 1510 and acted as a bufferzone between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran throughout the 16th century. The emirate ultimately succumbed to the expansionist ambitions of the Ottomans and Safavids in Kurdistan. The Biradost dynasty claimed descent from the Hasanwayhids.

Emirate of Bradost

Emirate of Bradost or Emirate of Biradost (Kurdish: Mîrektiya Biradost‎, 1510–1609) was a hereditary Kurdish emirate, ruling roughly the area from Rawandiz to Targavar and Margavar south of Urmia at its height. The emirate was founded in 1510 and acted as a bufferzone between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran throughout the 16th century. The emirate ultimately succumbed to the expansionist ambitions of the Ottomans and Safavids in Kurdistan. The Biradost dynasty claimed descent from the Hasanwayhids.