Emo of Friesland

Emo of Friesland (c. 1175–1237) was a Frisian scholar and abbot who probably came from the region of Groningen, and the earliest foreign student studying at Oxford University whose name has survived. He wrote a Latin chronicle, later expanded by his successors Menco and Foltert into the Chronicon abbatum in Werum (chronicle of the abbots of Wittewierum).

Emo of Friesland

Emo of Friesland (c. 1175–1237) was a Frisian scholar and abbot who probably came from the region of Groningen, and the earliest foreign student studying at Oxford University whose name has survived. He wrote a Latin chronicle, later expanded by his successors Menco and Foltert into the Chronicon abbatum in Werum (chronicle of the abbots of Wittewierum).