En remontant le Mississippi

En remontant le Mississippi is a Lucky Luke comic written by Goscinny and Morris. It is the sixteenth title in the Lucky Luke Series. The comic was printed by Dupuis in 1961 and by Cinebook in English in 2021 as Steaming Up the Mississippi. Both Goscinny and Morris were avid readers of frontier tales and particularly Mark Twain books.This album is culturally significant as it is connected with Mark Twain's experience as a Mississippi steamboat pilot before the American Civil War.

En remontant le Mississippi

En remontant le Mississippi is a Lucky Luke comic written by Goscinny and Morris. It is the sixteenth title in the Lucky Luke Series. The comic was printed by Dupuis in 1961 and by Cinebook in English in 2021 as Steaming Up the Mississippi. Both Goscinny and Morris were avid readers of frontier tales and particularly Mark Twain books.This album is culturally significant as it is connected with Mark Twain's experience as a Mississippi steamboat pilot before the American Civil War.