Endurance (film)

Endurance is a 1999 docudrama film about the famous distance runner Haile Gebrselassie with Gebrselassie playing himself. It was written and directed by Leslie Woodhead and Bud Greenspan, and produced and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie features Gebrselassie's upbringing in Ethiopia and his subsequent triumph in the 10,000-meter track event in the Atlanta Olympic Games of 1996. The movie was released on DVD on January 31, 2012.

Endurance (film)

Endurance is a 1999 docudrama film about the famous distance runner Haile Gebrselassie with Gebrselassie playing himself. It was written and directed by Leslie Woodhead and Bud Greenspan, and produced and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie features Gebrselassie's upbringing in Ethiopia and his subsequent triumph in the 10,000-meter track event in the Atlanta Olympic Games of 1996. The movie was released on DVD on January 31, 2012.