Energy in Monaco

Energy in Monaco describes energy production, consumption and import in the Principality of Monaco. Monaco has no domestic sources of fossil fuels and relies entirely on imports of electricity, gas and fuels from France. Monaco's sole national power company is Société Monégasque de l'Electricité et du Gaz (SMEG, Monegasque Electricity and Gas Company), which operates the country's electric and gas grid and provides related services. SMEG is 60% owned by Engie, 20% by the State of Monaco, 15% by EDF, and the rest by private investors. Although the country imports its gas and electricity from France, it operates a waste-to-energy district heating and seawater pumping plant in Fontvieille called seaWergie which provides heating and cooling to homes and businesses in the quartier.

Energy in Monaco

Energy in Monaco describes energy production, consumption and import in the Principality of Monaco. Monaco has no domestic sources of fossil fuels and relies entirely on imports of electricity, gas and fuels from France. Monaco's sole national power company is Société Monégasque de l'Electricité et du Gaz (SMEG, Monegasque Electricity and Gas Company), which operates the country's electric and gas grid and provides related services. SMEG is 60% owned by Engie, 20% by the State of Monaco, 15% by EDF, and the rest by private investors. Although the country imports its gas and electricity from France, it operates a waste-to-energy district heating and seawater pumping plant in Fontvieille called seaWergie which provides heating and cooling to homes and businesses in the quartier.