Enid Crow

Enid Crow (born 1968), is an American feminist artist who is best known for the Disaster Series, a series of self-portrait photographs. She has had solo shows at A.I.R. Gallery (NYC), Holocene (Portland), and (Iowa). Her photographs have been published in Venus Zine, riffRAG, 24/7, Altar. From 1991-1992, she was a member of Johannes Birringer's dance theatre company—AlienNation Co. -- in Chicago, Illinois. From 1997 to 2000 she studied Noh drama in Japan. Since 2005, she has performed with Justin Duerr in the self-described lo-fi craft pop band the Vivian Girls Experience, based on the work of artist Henry Darger.

Enid Crow

Enid Crow (born 1968), is an American feminist artist who is best known for the Disaster Series, a series of self-portrait photographs. She has had solo shows at A.I.R. Gallery (NYC), Holocene (Portland), and (Iowa). Her photographs have been published in Venus Zine, riffRAG, 24/7, Altar. From 1991-1992, she was a member of Johannes Birringer's dance theatre company—AlienNation Co. -- in Chicago, Illinois. From 1997 to 2000 she studied Noh drama in Japan. Since 2005, she has performed with Justin Duerr in the self-described lo-fi craft pop band the Vivian Girls Experience, based on the work of artist Henry Darger.