Enigma (DC Comics)

Enigma is a name used by two fictional characters, both supervillains in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #38 and was created by Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel. A villain in Trinity has also used the name where he turns out to be the Anti-Matter Universe version of Riddler that formerly went by the name Quizmaster. A different variation of Enigma named Evelyn Rhyme appeared in the second season of the Arrowverse series Batwoman portrayed by Laura Mennell.

Enigma (DC Comics)

Enigma is a name used by two fictional characters, both supervillains in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #38 and was created by Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel. A villain in Trinity has also used the name where he turns out to be the Anti-Matter Universe version of Riddler that formerly went by the name Quizmaster. A different variation of Enigma named Evelyn Rhyme appeared in the second season of the Arrowverse series Batwoman portrayed by Laura Mennell.