Ennejma Ezzahra

Ennejma Ezzahra ("Star of Venus"), sometimes spelled Nejma Ezzohara, also The Palace of the Baron d'Erlanger is a historical palace at Sidi Bou Said, in northern Tunisia, built from 1912 - 1922 by Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger (1872–1932) as his home in Tunisia. It is considered to be an outstanding example of Arab-Islamic architecture in Tunisia and was built historic elements by craftsmen from Tunisia and Morocco. After the independence of Tunisia in 19, it was the first museum to be opened in the country.

Ennejma Ezzahra

Ennejma Ezzahra ("Star of Venus"), sometimes spelled Nejma Ezzohara, also The Palace of the Baron d'Erlanger is a historical palace at Sidi Bou Said, in northern Tunisia, built from 1912 - 1922 by Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger (1872–1932) as his home in Tunisia. It is considered to be an outstanding example of Arab-Islamic architecture in Tunisia and was built historic elements by craftsmen from Tunisia and Morocco. After the independence of Tunisia in 19, it was the first museum to be opened in the country.