
Enoploteuthis is a genus of squid in the family Enoploteuthidae. The species of Enoploteuthisare most easily recognised by having a larger tail when compared to the other genera in the Enoploteuthidae. The tail's size is emphasised not having the fins extending along its sides. In related genera there is a narrow extension of the fins along the tail. Other characteristics include the presence of suckers on the distal portion of arms IV where there at no photophores present; the tentacular club has two rows of hooks and no marginal suckers; on the buccal crown there are typical chromatophores on the aboral surface but on the oral surface there may be some light skin pigmentation. They have 9-10 photophores on the eye and they have complex photophores in the skin. In the females the Spermata


Enoploteuthis is a genus of squid in the family Enoploteuthidae. The species of Enoploteuthisare most easily recognised by having a larger tail when compared to the other genera in the Enoploteuthidae. The tail's size is emphasised not having the fins extending along its sides. In related genera there is a narrow extension of the fins along the tail. Other characteristics include the presence of suckers on the distal portion of arms IV where there at no photophores present; the tentacular club has two rows of hooks and no marginal suckers; on the buccal crown there are typical chromatophores on the aboral surface but on the oral surface there may be some light skin pigmentation. They have 9-10 photophores on the eye and they have complex photophores in the skin. In the females the Spermata