Eric Patten

Eric Patten (1924-2013) was a resident of Toodyay, Western Australia, best known for his long and active contribution to volunteer groups and organisations, in particular the Toodyay Volunteer Bushfire Brigade. He joined this organisation in 1941 and continued to participate in various ways for the remainder of his life. For his dedication and contribution to the improvement of volunteer fire services both within and beyond Toodyay he was awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal in 2001.

Eric Patten

Eric Patten (1924-2013) was a resident of Toodyay, Western Australia, best known for his long and active contribution to volunteer groups and organisations, in particular the Toodyay Volunteer Bushfire Brigade. He joined this organisation in 1941 and continued to participate in various ways for the remainder of his life. For his dedication and contribution to the improvement of volunteer fire services both within and beyond Toodyay he was awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal in 2001.