Eric Vonn

Eric Vonn is a Guatemalan telenovela writer known for his unique and "different" storylines. A hallmark of his work is that the villains aren't usually in love with the protagonist (a cliché motive for characters in the average telenovela and something for which they have been criticized) and that most of his telenovelas seem to center more on the villains and their stories instead of the "good guys." Furthermore, he has a reputation for creating memorable villains for the network, such as Marcia and Don Chema in Tierra de Pasiones, Doña Ágata, Inés, and Elena in Pecados Ajenos, the demon in , and most recently, the disturbing character of Doña Loreto in Cielo Rojo.

Eric Vonn

Eric Vonn is a Guatemalan telenovela writer known for his unique and "different" storylines. A hallmark of his work is that the villains aren't usually in love with the protagonist (a cliché motive for characters in the average telenovela and something for which they have been criticized) and that most of his telenovelas seem to center more on the villains and their stories instead of the "good guys." Furthermore, he has a reputation for creating memorable villains for the network, such as Marcia and Don Chema in Tierra de Pasiones, Doña Ágata, Inés, and Elena in Pecados Ajenos, the demon in , and most recently, the disturbing character of Doña Loreto in Cielo Rojo.