Erich Glas

Ari (Erich) Glas (1897 - 1973) was a German and Israeli painter, graphic designer, illustrator and photographer. Glas was born in 1897 in Berlin, Germany under the name Erich Glas. During World War I he served as a commando soldier and later as a pilot and an aerial photographer in the Imperial German Army. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich and between 1919 and 1920 at the Bauhaus school in Weimar with Lyonel Feininger and Johannes Itten.He joined "The Young Rheinland", an artistic group which was founded by Ulrich Leman. After 1926 Glas worked as an independent graphic artist in Weimar and Berlin. In addition, he taught painting and graphics. At that time his work was influenced by Max Liebermann.In 1934 he left Germany because of the Nazi regime and started living in Kibbutz

Erich Glas

Ari (Erich) Glas (1897 - 1973) was a German and Israeli painter, graphic designer, illustrator and photographer. Glas was born in 1897 in Berlin, Germany under the name Erich Glas. During World War I he served as a commando soldier and later as a pilot and an aerial photographer in the Imperial German Army. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich and between 1919 and 1920 at the Bauhaus school in Weimar with Lyonel Feininger and Johannes Itten.He joined "The Young Rheinland", an artistic group which was founded by Ulrich Leman. After 1926 Glas worked as an independent graphic artist in Weimar and Berlin. In addition, he taught painting and graphics. At that time his work was influenced by Max Liebermann.In 1934 he left Germany because of the Nazi regime and started living in Kibbutz