Ernulf de Hesdin

Ernulf de Hesdin (died 1097), also transcribed as Arnulf and Ernulphe, was a French knight who took part in the Norman conquest of England and became a major landholder under William the Conqueror and William Rufus, featuring prominently in the Domesday Book. He was disgraced as a suspected rebel and died while taking part in the First Crusade as part of the army of Robert Curthose.

Ernulf de Hesdin

Ernulf de Hesdin (died 1097), also transcribed as Arnulf and Ernulphe, was a French knight who took part in the Norman conquest of England and became a major landholder under William the Conqueror and William Rufus, featuring prominently in the Domesday Book. He was disgraced as a suspected rebel and died while taking part in the First Crusade as part of the army of Robert Curthose.