Estonian Diplomatic Service (1940–91)

Estonia was occupied on June 17, 1940, by Red Army troops and was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union on August 6, 1940. The United States never recognized the illegal annexation of the Baltic States, in conformity with the principles of the Stimson Doctrine (US Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles's Declaration of July 23, 1940), and more than 50 countries followed this position.

Estonian Diplomatic Service (1940–91)

Estonia was occupied on June 17, 1940, by Red Army troops and was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union on August 6, 1940. The United States never recognized the illegal annexation of the Baltic States, in conformity with the principles of the Stimson Doctrine (US Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles's Declaration of July 23, 1940), and more than 50 countries followed this position.